It also won a gold medal

Posted by Jim on Dec 9th, 2009
Dec 9

Pabst Blue Ribbon

B- / 3.3
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | drink: 4.5

This award-winning beer has been poured form a chilled bottle into a 12oz “pint” glass. The beer is a very clear straw color, with a good sized white foam head that dissipated quickly. There are plenty of carbonation bubbles rising up in the glass. This aroma is a yeast and some grain, probably corn. The taste is typical of the style, with plenty of sweet corn grain and other malts; the hops a non-existent to the point that the brewer may have forgot to include them. Although the carbonation is above average, it doesn’t affect the mouthfeel negatively. There is a bit of coating and stickiness from the high sugar content, but it isn’t too bad. I find PBR to be exceptionally drinkable, if I am in the mood for it. I don’t get tired of it and usually only need to cut myself off when I know it’s time to prevent a hangover. This is my go-to beverage when I’m out on the town and don’t feel like spending much money. There is something reassuring knowing I can get a 16oz tall boy at nearly any bar in town; thanks hipsters!

Award information via the packaging and Wikipedia